IBC Law Reporter
IBC Law Reporter is an effort by the industry professionals to provide a dedicated ONLINE PLATFORM to provide and spread the information/news/updates related to Insolvency Laws among each of us.

About Us
IBC Law Reporter is an effort by the industry professionals to provide a dedicated ONLINE PLATFORM (www.ibclawreporter.in) to cater:
Updated Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC), IBC Regulations, IBC Rules, IBC Notifications & IBC Circulars and other relevant content in searchable mode (section/rule/regulation wise) in the form of an E-BOOK. This will also contain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) supported by the relevant papers/orders/judgements (if any) and the suggestive forms/formats/checklists required by the professionals under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law.