IBC Regulations
Regulations 27. 47[Appointment of Professionals.—
(1) The resolution professional shall, within seven days of his appointment but not later than forty-seventh day from the insolvency commencement date, appoint two registered valuers to determine the fair value and the liquidation value of the corporate debtor in accordance with regulation 35:.
(2) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, may appoint any professional, in addition to registered valuers under sub-regulation (1), to assist him in discharge of his duties in conduct of the corporate insolvency resolution process, if he is of the opinion that the services of such professional are required and such services are not available with the corporate debtor.
(3) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, shall appoint a professional under this regulation on an arm’s length basis following an objective and transparent process:
Provided that the following persons shall not be appointed, namely: –
(a) a relative of the resolution professional;
(b) a related party of the corporate debtor;
(c) an auditor of the corporate debtor at any time during the period of five years preceding the insolvency commencement date;
(d) a partner or director of the insolvency professional entity of which the resolution professional is a partner or director.
(4) The invoice for fee and other expenses incurred by a professional appointed under this regulation shall be raised in the name of the professional and be paid directly into the bank account of such professional.]
47 Substituted by Notification No. IBBI/2021-22/GN/REG075, dated 14th July, 2021 (w.e.f. 14-07-2021). Before
substitution, Regulation 27 stood as under:
“27. Appointment of registered valuers. The resolution professional shall within seven days of his appointment, but not later than forty-seventh day from the insolvency commencement date, appoint two registered valuers to determine the fair value and the liquidation value of the corporate debtor in accordance with regulation 35:
Provided that the following persons shall not be appointed as registered valuers, namely:
(a) a relative of the resolution professional;
(b) a related party of the corporate debtor;
(c) an auditor of the corporate debtor at any time during the five years preceding the insolvency commencement date; or
(d) a partner or director of the insolvency professional entity of which the resolution professional is a partner or