IBC Regulations
Regulations 10
14[(1) An insolvency professional agency shall inform the Board when it-
- (a) issues or renews an authorisation for assignment;(b) suspends or cancels an authorisation for assignment;
- (c) revokes the suspension of an authorisation for assignment; or
- (d) accepts the surrender of an authorisation for assignment,
- within one working day of taking such action.]
(2) The Board shall take note of the information received under sub-regulation (1).
13 Substituted by Notification No. IBBI/2019-20/GN/REG045, dated 23rd July, 2019 (w.e.f. 23.07.2019). Before substitution, it stood as -“TEMPORARY SURRENDER AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS”.
14 Substituted by Notification No. IBBI/2019-20/GN/REG045, dated 23rd July, 2019 (w.e.f. 23.07.2019). Before substitution, it stood as under: